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Recommended Databases

Multi-subject database, with more than 8,500 magazines and journals. Includes abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
Contains over 79,000 videos. Subjects include social sciences, history, business, diversity, science, media studies, music and performing arts, political and social movements, health sciences, science and engineering, environmental studies, film, theatre, and more. Videos include captions, transcripts; audio descriptions can be provided. Unlimited access and public performance rights included for most. Can be integrated into Canvas.
CQ Researcher
Reports written on varied social issues by experienced journalists, thoroughly footnoted and sourced to experts to ensure quality and accuracy of the information. Pro/con arguments included.
Over 3,500,000 full text entries from over 1,000 different sources. Use this resource to gather background information to start your research. Includes mind map.
A resource for debaters and includes viewpoints, reference articles, infographics, news, images, video, audio, and more on hot social issues. Periodical content covers current events, news and commentary, economics, environmental issues, political science, and more. Cross-searchable with Gale In Context: Global Issues database.
Core journals in economics, history, political science, sociology, language, performing and visual arts, music, Eastern and Western religions, law, education, psychology, and public policy and administration. Includes collections from libraries, museums, archives, and historical societies around the world.
Online Catalog

Search the library's books, eBooks, DVDs, and streaming video available for you to check out or view online.
