Picking a topic you are interested in but don't already know everything about is important. Below we have some topic suggestions as well as databases with the types of topics that would fit this project.
~Hospice: A Necessary Evil?
~Death with Dignity (law passing euthanasia in terminal illness)
~Occupational Therapy in Helping Children with disabilities
~Music Therapy to Improve Alzheimer’s
~Treatment of Mental Illness in Prisons
~How Should Gun Control Laws be Regulated?
~Carbon emission in automobiles: does it really help the environment?
~Influences of Beauty Pageants on Body Image
~Research on a Particular Mental Illness/Changes Needed
~Effects of Social Media on Kids & How it Should be Regulated
~Raising/Lowering the Minimum Wage
~Medicating Children with ADHD
~Why to Avoid foods with GMOs
~The Harms of Body Shaming
Topics must be persuasive in nature.
The Writing Lab is also available to help once you get your paper started, they can assist with formatting, citations, and grammar.
Benton Harbor Campus
L-280 (second floor in the library)